1. Install the NetFPGA yum repository and GPG key using the following command :
rpm -Uhv http://netfpga.org/yum/el5/RPMS/noarch/netfpga-repo-1-1_CentOS5.noarch.rpm
Then run the following command to install the NetFPGA Base Package (if
you are trying to implement any routers mentioned in step 3, do not run
this command) :
yum install netfpga-base
(This command installs the latest version of the netfpga-base which is currently 3.0.1)
Different types of routers that I have tried implementing are as
follows and mentioned in the brackets is the version of teh NetFPGA Base
Package required for that router :
a - IPv4 Reference Router (v2.1.1)
b - DRAM Router (v2.1.1)
c - Fast Reroute & Multipath Router (v2.0)
d - PTP-Enabled Router (v2.0)
e - Promiscuous Reference Router (v2.0)
f - Flexible Router (v2.0)
g - Deficit Round Robin Router Backplane (v2.2)
h - RCP Router (v2.0)
For v2.0, use the command :
yum install netfpga-full-2.0.0-beta_full.i386
For v2.1.1, use the command :
yum install netfpga-base-2.1.1-full
For v2.2, use the command :
yum install netfpga-base-2.2.0-full